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arCanBuyValues[0] : allValues[0]); else arFilter[strName] = arCanBuyValues[0]; } this.updateRow(i, arFilter[strName], arShowValues, arCanBuyValues); } this.selectedValues = arFilter; this.changeInfo(); } return true; }, updateRow: function(intNumber, activeID, showID, canBuyID) { var i = 0, value = '', isCurrent = false, rowItems = null; var lineContainer = this.obTree.querySelectorAll('[data-entity="sku-line-block"]'), listContainer; if (intNumber > -1 && intNumber < lineContainer.length) { listContainer = lineContainer[intNumber].querySelector('ul'); rowItems = BX.findChildren(listContainer, {tagName: 'li'}, false); if (rowItems && 0 < rowItems.length) { for (i = 0; i < rowItems.length; i++) { value = rowItems[i].getAttribute('data-onevalue'); isCurrent = value === activeID; if (isCurrent) { BX.addClass(rowItems[i], 'selected'); } else { BX.removeClass(rowItems[i], 'selected'); } if (BX.util.in_array(value, canBuyID)) { BX.removeClass(rowItems[i], 'notallowed'); } else { BX.addClass(rowItems[i], 'notallowed'); } rowItems[i].style.display = BX.util.in_array(value, showID) ? '' : 'none'; if (isCurrent) { lineContainer[intNumber].style.display = (value == 0 && canBuyID.length == 1) ? 'none' : ''; } } } } }, getRowValues: function(arFilter, index) { var i = 0, j, arValues = [], boolSearch = false, boolOneSearch = true; if (0 === arFilter.length) { for (i = 0; i < this.offers.length; i++) { if (!BX.util.in_array(this.offers[i].TREE[index], arValues)) { arValues[arValues.length] = this.offers[i].TREE[index]; } } boolSearch = true; } else { for (i = 0; i < this.offers.length; i++) { boolOneSearch = true; for (j in arFilter) { if (arFilter[j] !== this.offers[i].TREE[j]) { boolOneSearch = false; break; } } if (boolOneSearch) { if (!BX.util.in_array(this.offers[i].TREE[index], arValues)) { arValues[arValues.length] = this.offers[i].TREE[index]; } boolSearch = true; } } } return (boolSearch ? arValues : false); }, getCanBuy: function(arFilter) { var i, j, boolSearch = false, boolOneSearch = true; for (i = 0; i < this.offers.length; i++) { boolOneSearch = true; for (j in arFilter) { if (arFilter[j] !== this.offers[i].TREE[j]) { boolOneSearch = false; break; } } if (boolOneSearch) { if (this.offers[i].CAN_BUY) { boolSearch = true; break; } } } return boolSearch; }, setCurrent: function() { var i, j = 0, arCanBuyValues = [], strName = '', arShowValues = false, arFilter = {}, tmpFilter = [], current = this.offers[this.offerNum].TREE; for (i = 0; i < this.treeProps.length; i++) { strName = 'PROP_'+this.treeProps[i].ID; arShowValues = this.getRowValues(arFilter, strName); if (!arShowValues) { break; } if (BX.util.in_array(current[strName], arShowValues)) { arFilter[strName] = current[strName]; } else { arFilter[strName] = arShowValues[0]; this.offerNum = 0; } if (this.showAbsent) { arCanBuyValues = []; tmpFilter = []; tmpFilter = BX.clone(arFilter, true); for (j = 0; j < arShowValues.length; j++) { tmpFilter[strName] = arShowValues[j]; if (this.getCanBuy(tmpFilter)) { arCanBuyValues[arCanBuyValues.length] = arShowValues[j]; } } } else { arCanBuyValues = arShowValues; } this.updateRow(i, arFilter[strName], arShowValues, arCanBuyValues); } this.selectedValues = arFilter; this.changeInfo(); }, changeInfo: function() { var i, j, index = -1, boolOneSearch = true, quantityChanged; for (i = 0; i < this.offers.length; i++) { boolOneSearch = true; for (j in this.selectedValues) { if (this.selectedValues[j] !== this.offers[i].TREE[j]) { boolOneSearch = false; break; } } if (boolOneSearch) { index = i; break; } } if (index > -1) { if (parseInt(this.offers[index].MORE_PHOTO_COUNT) > 1 && this.obPictSlider) { // hide pict and second_pict containers if (this.obPict) { this.obPict.style.display = 'none'; } if (this.obSecondPict) { this.obSecondPict.style.display = 'none'; } // clear slider container BX.cleanNode(this.obPictSlider); // fill slider container with slides for (i in this.offers[index].MORE_PHOTO) { if (this.offers[index].MORE_PHOTO.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this.obPictSlider.appendChild( BX.create('SPAN', { props: {className: 'product-item-image-slide item' + (i == 0 ? ' active' : '')}, style: {backgroundImage: 'url(\'' + this.offers[index].MORE_PHOTO[i].SRC + '\')'} }) ); } } // fill slider indicator if exists if (this.obPictSliderIndicator) { BX.cleanNode(this.obPictSliderIndicator); for (i in this.offers[index].MORE_PHOTO) { if (this.offers[index].MORE_PHOTO.hasOwnProperty(i)) { this.obPictSliderIndicator.appendChild( BX.create('DIV', { attrs: {'data-go-to': i}, props: {className: 'product-item-image-slider-control' + (i == 0 ? ' active' : '')} }) ); this.obPictSliderIndicator.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ')); } } this.obPictSliderIndicator.style.display = ''; } if (this.obPictSliderProgressBar) { this.obPictSliderProgressBar.style.display = ''; } // show slider container this.obPictSlider.style.display = ''; this.initializeSlider(); } else { // hide slider container if (this.obPictSlider) { this.obPictSlider.style.display = 'none'; } if (this.obPictSliderIndicator) { this.obPictSliderIndicator.style.display = 'none'; } if (this.obPictSliderProgressBar) { this.obPictSliderProgressBar.style.display = 'none'; } // show pict and pict_second containers if (this.obPict) { if (this.offers[index].PREVIEW_PICTURE) { BX.adjust(this.obPict, {style: {backgroundImage: 'url(\'' + this.offers[index].PREVIEW_PICTURE.SRC + '\')'}}); } else { BX.adjust(this.obPict, {style: {backgroundImage: 'url(\'' + this.defaultPict.pict.SRC + '\')'}}); } this.obPict.style.display = ''; } if (this.secondPict && this.obSecondPict) { if (this.offers[index].PREVIEW_PICTURE_SECOND) { BX.adjust(this.obSecondPict, {style: {backgroundImage: 'url(\'' + this.offers[index].PREVIEW_PICTURE_SECOND.SRC + '\')'}}); } else if (this.offers[index].PREVIEW_PICTURE.SRC) { BX.adjust(this.obSecondPict, {style: {backgroundImage: 'url(\'' + this.offers[index].PREVIEW_PICTURE.SRC + '\')'}}); } else if (this.defaultPict.secondPict) { BX.adjust(this.obSecondPict, {style: {backgroundImage: 'url(\'' + this.defaultPict.secondPict.SRC + '\')'}}); } else { BX.adjust(this.obSecondPict, {style: {backgroundImage: 'url(\'' + this.defaultPict.pict.SRC + '\')'}}); } this.obSecondPict.style.display = ''; } } if (this.showSkuProps && this.obSkuProps) { if (this.offers[index].DISPLAY_PROPERTIES.length) { BX.adjust(this.obSkuProps, {style: {display: ''}, html: this.offers[index].DISPLAY_PROPERTIES}); } else { BX.adjust(this.obSkuProps, {style: {display: 'none'}, html: ''}); } } this.quantitySet(index); this.setPrice(); this.setCompared(this.offers[index].COMPARED); this.offerNum = index; } }, checkPriceRange: function(quantity) { if (typeof quantity === 'undefined'|| this.currentPriceMode != 'Q') return; var range, found = false; for (var i in this.currentQuantityRanges) { if (this.currentQuantityRanges.hasOwnProperty(i)) { range = this.currentQuantityRanges[i]; if ( parseInt(quantity) >= parseInt(range.SORT_FROM) && ( range.SORT_TO == 'INF' || parseInt(quantity) <= parseInt(range.SORT_TO) ) ) { found = true; this.currentQuantityRangeSelected = range.HASH; break; } } } if (!found && (range = this.getMinPriceRange())) { this.currentQuantityRangeSelected = range.HASH; } for (var k in this.currentPrices) { if (this.currentPrices.hasOwnProperty(k)) { if (this.currentPrices[k].QUANTITY_HASH == this.currentQuantityRangeSelected) { this.currentPriceSelected = k; break; } } } }, getMinPriceRange: function() { var range; for (var i in this.currentQuantityRanges) { if (this.currentQuantityRanges.hasOwnProperty(i)) { if ( !range || parseInt(this.currentQuantityRanges[i].SORT_FROM) < parseInt(range.SORT_FROM) ) { range = this.currentQuantityRanges[i]; } } } return range; }, checkQuantityControls: function() { if (!this.obQuantity) return; var reachedTopLimit = this.checkQuantity && parseFloat(this.obQuantity.value) + this.stepQuantity > this.maxQuantity, reachedBottomLimit = parseFloat(this.obQuantity.value) - this.stepQuantity < this.minQuantity; if (reachedTopLimit) { BX.addClass(this.obQuantityUp, 'product-item-amount-field-btn-disabled'); } else if (BX.hasClass(this.obQuantityUp, 'product-item-amount-field-btn-disabled')) { BX.removeClass(this.obQuantityUp, 'product-item-amount-field-btn-disabled'); } if (reachedBottomLimit) { BX.addClass(this.obQuantityDown, 'product-item-amount-field-btn-disabled'); } else if (BX.hasClass(this.obQuantityDown, 'product-item-amount-field-btn-disabled')) { BX.removeClass(this.obQuantityDown, 'product-item-amount-field-btn-disabled'); } if (reachedTopLimit && reachedBottomLimit) { this.obQuantity.setAttribute('disabled', 'disabled'); } else { this.obQuantity.removeAttribute('disabled'); } }, setPrice: function() { var obData, price; if (this.obQuantity) { this.checkPriceRange(this.obQuantity.value); } this.checkQuantityControls(); price = this.currentPrices[this.currentPriceSelected]; if (this.obPrice) { if (price) { BX.adjust(this.obPrice, {html: BX.Currency.currencyFormat(price.RATIO_PRICE, price.CURRENCY, true)}); } else { BX.adjust(this.obPrice, {html: ''}); } if (this.showOldPrice && this.obPriceOld) { if (price && price.RATIO_PRICE !== price.RATIO_BASE_PRICE) { BX.adjust(this.obPriceOld, { style: {display: ''}, html: BX.Currency.currencyFormat(price.RATIO_BASE_PRICE, price.CURRENCY, true) }); } else { BX.adjust(this.obPriceOld, { style: {display: 'none'}, html: '' }); } } if (this.obPriceTotal) { if (price && this.obQuantity && this.obQuantity.value != this.stepQuantity) { BX.adjust(this.obPriceTotal, { html: BX.message('PRICE_TOTAL_PREFIX') + ' ' + BX.Currency.currencyFormat(price.PRICE * this.obQuantity.value, price.CURRENCY, true) + '', style: {display: ''} }); } else { BX.adjust(this.obPriceTotal, { html: '', style: {display: 'none'} }); } } if (this.showPercent) { if (price && parseInt(price.PERCENT) > 0) { obData = {style: {display: ''}, html: -price.PERCENT + '%'}; 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'json' : 'html', url: compareLink + (compareLink.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? '&' : '?') + 'ajax_action=Y', onsuccess: checked ? BX.proxy(this.compareResult, this) : BX.proxy(this.compareDeleteResult, this) }); } }, compareResult: function(result) { var popupContent, popupButtons; if (this.obPopupWin) { this.obPopupWin.close(); } if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(result)) return; this.initPopupWindow(); if (this.offers.length > 0) { this.offers[this.offerNum].COMPARED = result.STATUS === 'OK'; } if (result.STATUS === 'OK') { BX.onCustomEvent('OnCompareChange'); popupContent = '

' + BX.message('COMPARE_MESSAGE_OK') + '

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' + (result.MESSAGE ? result.MESSAGE : BX.message('COMPARE_UNKNOWN_ERROR')) + '

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this.basketData.add_url : this.basketData.buy_url); switch (this.productType) { case 1: // product case 2: // set case 7: // service this.basketUrl = this.basketUrl.replace('#ID#', this.product.id.toString()); break; case 3: // sku this.basketUrl = this.basketUrl.replace('#ID#', this.offers[this.offerNum].ID); break; } this.basketParams = { 'ajax_basket': 'Y' }; if (this.showQuantity) { this.basketParams[this.basketData.quantity] = this.obQuantity.value; } if (this.basketData.sku_props) { this.basketParams[this.basketData.sku_props_var] = this.basketData.sku_props; } }, fillBasketProps: function() { if (!this.visual.BASKET_PROP_DIV) { return; } var i = 0, propCollection = null, foundValues = false, obBasketProps = null; if (this.basketData.useProps && !this.basketData.emptyProps) { if (this.obPopupWin && this.obPopupWin.contentContainer) { obBasketProps = this.obPopupWin.contentContainer; } } else { obBasketProps = BX(this.visual.BASKET_PROP_DIV); } if (obBasketProps) { propCollection = obBasketProps.getElementsByTagName('select'); if (propCollection && propCollection.length) { for (i = 0; i < propCollection.length; i++) { if (!propCollection[i].disabled) { switch (propCollection[i].type.toLowerCase()) { case 'select-one': this.basketParams[propCollection[i].name] = propCollection[i].value; foundValues = true; break; default: break; } } } } propCollection = obBasketProps.getElementsByTagName('input'); if (propCollection && propCollection.length) { for (i = 0; i < propCollection.length; i++) { if (!propCollection[i].disabled) { switch (propCollection[i].type.toLowerCase()) { case 'hidden': this.basketParams[propCollection[i].name] = propCollection[i].value; foundValues = true; break; case 'radio': if (propCollection[i].checked) { this.basketParams[propCollection[i].name] = propCollection[i].value; foundValues = true; } break; default: break; } } } } } if (!foundValues) { this.basketParams[this.basketData.props] = []; this.basketParams[this.basketData.props][0] = 0; } }, add2Basket: function() { this.basketMode = 'ADD'; this.basket(); }, buyBasket: function() { this.basketMode = 'BUY'; this.basket(); }, sendToBasket: function() { if (!this.canBuy) { return; } // check recommendation if (this.product && this.product.id && this.bigData) { this.rememberProductRecommendation(); } this.initBasketUrl(); this.fillBasketProps(); BX.ajax({ method: 'POST', dataType: 'json', url: this.basketUrl, data: this.basketParams, onsuccess: BX.proxy(this.basketResult, this) }); }, basket: function() { var contentBasketProps = ''; if (!this.canBuy) { return; } switch (this.productType) { case 1: // product case 2: // set case 7: // service if (this.basketData.useProps && !this.basketData.emptyProps) { this.initPopupWindow(); this.obPopupWin.setTitleBar(BX.message('TITLE_BASKET_PROPS')); if (BX(this.visual.BASKET_PROP_DIV)) { contentBasketProps = BX(this.visual.BASKET_PROP_DIV).innerHTML; } this.obPopupWin.setContent(contentBasketProps); this.obPopupWin.setButtons([ new BasketButton({ text: BX.message('BTN_MESSAGE_SEND_PROPS'), events: { click: BX.delegate(this.sendToBasket, this) } }) ]); this.obPopupWin.show(); } else { this.sendToBasket(); } break; case 3: // sku this.sendToBasket(); break; } }, basketResult: function(arResult) { var strContent = '', strPict = '', successful, buttons = []; if (this.obPopupWin) this.obPopupWin.close(); if (!BX.type.isPlainObject(arResult)) return; successful = arResult.STATUS === 'OK'; if (successful) { this.setAnalyticsDataLayer('addToCart'); } if (successful && this.basketAction === 'BUY') { this.basketRedirect(); } else { this.initPopupWindow(); if (successful) { BX.onCustomEvent('OnBasketChange'); if (BX.findParent(this.obProduct, {className: 'bx_sale_gift_main_products'}, 10)) { BX.onCustomEvent('onAddToBasketMainProduct', [this]); } switch (this.productType) { case 1: // product case 2: // set case 7: // service strPict = this.product.pict.SRC; break; case 3: // sku strPict = (this.offers[this.offerNum].PREVIEW_PICTURE ? 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' + this.product.name + '

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